Campus Buildings
Explore our Campus
We’re proud to have state-of-the-art facilities equipped with technology that prepares our students for lifelong success. Specialized spaces enable studio practice, exhibitions, collaborations, and learning while embodying vision through design and access.
Main Campus
Ann and Alfred Goldstein Center
Ann and Alfred Goldstein Hall
Arland and Sally Christ-Janer Center
Bayou Village Complex
Bridge Apartments
Deborah M. Cooley Photography Center
Ethel and Stanley Glen Fine Arts
Family Housing
Ferguson Studio
Greensboro Hall
Idelson Studio
Judy Hughes Studio
Keating Center
Liberal Arts Faculty Offices
Raynore E. Pope and Thomas J. Savage Studio
Ringling College Art Supply/Business Affairs
Ringling College Studio Labs
Roskamp Center Complex
Savidge-Bowers Studio
Scott Plaza
Student Health Center
Trustees Studio
Verman Kimbrough Building