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One-week residential college experience for teens

Explore what learning and living on campus will be like.

Students rising into their sophomore, junior, or senior year in high school, ages 15-18, discover a focused college-level experience in a select area of study related to our majors. This non-credit residential program offers traditional and digital courses, while also providing all the amenities of campus life. Students can take part in esports, enjoy working out in the fitness center, and have the time of their lives through great Student and Residence Life programming.

PreCollege Discovery: July 20-25, 2025

An example of a typical day for PreCollege Discovery students:

Breakfast: 7:30-8:30 am
Class: Monday-Thursday, 9-11:30 am
Lunch: 11:30 am-2 pm | Library | Fitness | Recreation
Class: Monday-Thursday, 2-5 pm
Dinner: 5-7 pm
Student and Residence Life Activities

Courses selections and registration will be available for the one-week July PreCollege Discovery program starting on February 1 and closing on May 1 or when full, whichever comes first.


Tuition, Room & Board: $2,150
Program Deposit: $500 DUE upon acceptance

TOTAL DUE May 10, 2025: $1,650

Additional Fees

Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP): $50

All students must provide current proof of health insurance to attend PreCollege. International students and those requiring or electing to enroll in SHIP will be billed $50, due May 10, 2025.

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