Oscar-Winning 2003 Ringling College Computer Animation Grad Patrick Osborne Directs Animation for Billie Eilish’s ‘Happier Than Ever: A Love Letter to Los Angeles’

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Dan Sarto, Animation World Network’s cofounder, publisher, and editor-in-chief, interviewed Patrick on designing and producing the film’s animated elements that “take viewers on a dreamlike journey through the most iconic backdrops of Eilish’s hometown of Los Angeles.” Patrick won an Oscar in 2014 for his short film, Feast, and followed up with his pioneering Emmy […]

Ringling College of Art and Design Appoints New Senior Leadership

Sarasota, FL – August 2, 2021 – On behalf of Ringling College of Art and Design, College President Dr. Larry R. Thompson would like to formally announce and introduce two key members of the senior leadership team at the College; Dr. Tracy A Wagner and Dr. Jason L. Good.  Dr. Tracy Wagner previously served as […]

Spotted on Campus: Woody Harrelson

Woody Harrelson was on campus as part of the Ringling College Studio Labs. While here he screened his new movie, Lost in London, which is the first of its kind as it was shot in one take and broadcasted live to theaters in London. ART Network was able to snag a one on one interview with […]