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Changes to the Academic Calendar

Update: 10/6/22, 8 pm

Dear Ringling College Community, 

It has been wonderful to see so many of you returning to campus this week. We appreciate all of your efforts to return to campus and to work as soon as you were able. We are all looking forward to resuming classes next week. 

Due to the fluid nature of recovery in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, and following extensive conversations with faculty leaders, the Emergency Response Team, and others, I have made the difficult decision to extend the Fall 2022 semester by one week. That means that the new ending date will be December 17, 2022, not the previous date given earlier. 

Please know that I have not come to this decision lightly. We care about your personal circumstances and our commitment to providing the absolute best in academic instruction, while balancing all the needs of our campus community. That being said, we understand that this decision may have repercussions for many of you, particularly students, faculty, and staff.

Let me summarize the adjustments that will be made:

Academic Classes

  • All classes will resume in-person as planned on Monday, October 10.
  • The Fall 2022 semester will be extended by one week, now ending on Saturday, December 17. 
  • The Academic Calendar has been revised and updated online. 
  • If you have any academic questions related to these changes, please direct them to Academic Affairs at

Student Housing 

  • All campus housing will remain open to students through Sunday, December 18 at 4:30 pm. 
  • Dining Services will remain available through Brunch on December 18.

Financial Hardship

We realize there may be financial impacts for some students due to the change to the Academic Calendar. While the College is not able to cover the majority of lost expenses, students facing significant hardship may submit appeals directly to the Financial Aid Office at

Other Important Dates 

Thanksgiving Break will remain the same: there will be no classes Wednesday, November 23 through Sunday, November 27. The College offices will be closed for Thanksgiving Break Thursday, November 24 through Sunday, November 27. 

The Spring 2023 semester will remain as planned on the Academic Calendar and begin on January 9, 2023.

I am sorry if this change in plans has inconvenienced you in any way. We sincerely thank all of you for your understanding and flexibility as we navigate this recovery process and the necessary adjustments to the Academic Calendar. Our priority remains to provide our students with the world-class art and design education they expect from Ringling College. Despite the difficulties, we are confident this decision will allow us to do so. 

Very truly yours,

Larry Thompson

Returning to Campus

Update: 10/2/22, 11 am

Ringling College Community,

We are thinking of each of you in this constantly unfolding situation and tragedy from Hurricane Ian. We know that many of you have and are experiencing hardship and loss. Our hearts go out to you and all those affected by this major tragedy. Please see below for a campus update. 


Campus is now open to all students, faculty, and staff. An immense thank you to the heroic efforts of the offices of facilities, public safety, student life, institutional technology, and all others who have made this possible. Many worked tirelessly around the clock despite experiencing loss and hardship of their own. 

There is power to all buildings on the Main Campus and the Ringling College Museum Campus, including all student residences. Faculty, staff, and all students (residential and commuter) now have access to campus buildings and offices. Campus systems including the internet are up and running. Internet in some “near-campus” housing is currently not working, but Comcast is aware of and addressing the outage. Students have begun to move back to campus this morning, October 2, and can move back and have access to their residences at their own convenience from this point forward. For questions regarding student residences, please contact

We are excited to welcome our Ringling community back to campus including preparing to host a large group of prospective students and families for Open House on Saturday, October 8!


We have heard from many students and faculty who are facing significant hardship and loss. Out of care for those in these difficult situations who would not be able to begin classes this week, the Emergency Response Team has decided to resume classes in-person on Monday, October 10, with the hope of being able to begin together as a learning community. Classes, both online and in-person, are canceled this week through October 7. Beginning Monday, October 3, students will have access to computer labs. Despite these days of cancellation, unless there are further unexpected changes, the last day of class will remain as December 10. Academic Affairs will work with students facing difficulties, and provide leniency and grace as deemed appropriate in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. For academic questions or concerns, please contact

Main Campus and the Ringling College Museum Campus Offices

As the campus continues its preparations for the return to its academic mission, the business of the College is ongoing. We understand that many individuals have been faced with significant challenges as a result of Hurricane Ian, and many are still recovering or adapting to the current environment. With a focus on the well-being of our staff and the needs of the College, the Emergency Response Team has determined that the administrative offices of the Main Campus and Museum Campus will reopen on Monday, October 3. All staff who are able, should plan on returning to work on Monday. We realize that some staff members will be unable to return to campus on Monday for a variety of reasons, and ask those to communicate with their supervisors to discuss flexible work arrangements (which may include remote work, flexible scheduling, or extended emergency time off). Full-time staff who cannot return to work on Monday will continue to use Emergency Closing Leave. For questions, please call Human Resources at 941-359-7619.


The Fitness Center will be open starting today according to this schedule:

  • Sunday: 1:00-7:00 pm
  • Monday-Thursday: 6:00 am-12:00 midnight
  • Friday: 6:00 am-9:00 pm
  • Saturday-Sunday: 1:00-7:00 pm

Campus Dining

Hammond Commons will re-open for Brunch and Dinner starting today according to this schedule:

  • Sunday, October 2
    • Brunch: 11:00 am-1:00 pm
    • Dinner: 5:00-6:30 pm
  • Monday, October 3-Sunday, October 9:
    • Brunch: 10:00 am-1:00 pm
    • Dinner: 5:00-6:30 pm

Non-meal plan students, faculty, and staff are also invited to enjoy complimentary meals this week as we know that many of you have experienced hardships as a result of the storm.

Museum Campus

The Museum will reopen Tuesday, October 4, with free admission through October 9. We hope the Museum will be a place of respite for our community. Along with the galleries, the Shop and the Bistro will be open for business and will offer free coffee and cookies for our visitors.  


We know many of you have personally been affected or have loved ones who have been affected by Hurricane Ian, and our hearts go out to each of you. 

For students experiencing hardship, please alert Counseling and medical services will be open regular hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday, starting October 3. Counseling services are available for both in-person and via Zoom sessions. You can schedule an appointment online here or email

For faculty and staff experiencing hardship, please alert your supervisor and/or Human Resources (HR). The College has an Employee Assistance Program to provide employees and their family members access to confidential personal support. Resources are available through HR or through the HR portal. 

Power Update

Update: 10/1/22, 7:30 pm

Power has been restored to the following student residences (students living in these locations have been notified via email): the “near campus homes” (occupied by more than one student) on Patterson Drive, Guilford Lane, Greensboro Lane, West Place, North Riverside Drive, and East Tamiami Circle.

Residences at 31st Street, 2340 Old Bradenton Road, and the Cove still do not have power.

All other residences on campus have power.

For more information about your specific residence, email Residential Life.

Campus Update

Updated: 10/1/2022, 12 pm

Ringling College Community,

We are thinking of each of you in this constantly unfolding situation. We know there are many questions and uncertainties and apologize for the difficult situation this puts many of you in as you attempt to make plans to return to campus. Please know that we will work with those of you who are facing difficulties returning to campus.

Student Residences

Campus housing will reopen at 8:00 am on Sunday, October 2 to most student residents. As of this morning, Saturday, October 1, there are still some areas on campus that do not have power, including some student housing. The student residences that remain offline are the “near campus homes” (occupied by more than one student) on Patterson Drive, Guilford Lane, Greensboro Lane, West Place, North Riverside Drive, 31st Street, Old Bradenton Road, East Tamiami Circle, and the Cove.

If you live in one of these residences, please do not return to campus until your campus residence has power. If you have friends on campus or in the immediate area willing to host, that is an acceptable alternative.

Access to units without power will be limited to retrieving needed items. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and will update the campus community when we have an update on the power to these residences. If you have questions about your specific residence, please email


All classes are canceled through Tuesday, October 4. At this time, we anticipate classes resuming in-person on Wednesday, October 5. The Emergency Response Team meets again tomorrow (October 2) and we anticipate providing a more definitive update and decision. We have heard from several of you who have expressed concern about being able to return for in-person classes on Wednesday. This feedback has been passed on and will be considered for decisions that are made tomorrow. Additionally, Academic Affairs will work with students facing these difficulties and provide leniency and grace in the aftermath of this major storm and tragedy.

Campus Offices

We will assess the status of power to facilities on Sunday, October 2 and make a decision regarding campus offices reopening at that time.

Please reference the information posted below for information about those who may be experiencing hardships and/or in need of a charging station and microwaves on campus.

We hold the entire Ringling College community in our hearts during this difficult time.

Campus Reopen Plan and Classes

Updated: 9/30/2022, 4:45 pm

Thank you for your patience as we have worked to ensure that campus is clear and safe. Currently, while most of the campus has power and internet connectivity has been restored, there are still some areas that do not have power, including student housing in single family houses and the Cove, as well as Studios North. Other locations may still lose power as repairs are made. We are excited to restart class and business operations, and to welcome students, faculty, and staff back to campus.

Information for Students

Campus Reopening

Campus housing will reopen at 8:00 am on Sunday, October 2 to most student residents. As of today, our student residences in the Cove and in single family homes do not yet have power. If you live in one of these residences, please do not return to campus until your campus residence has power. If you have friends on campus or in the immediate area willing to host, that is an acceptable alternative. Access to units without power will be limited to retrieving needed items.

Food services will be available beginning on Sunday, October 2, with brunch and dinner through Tuesday, October 4. Office reopenings will be announced on Sunday, October 2.


All classes are cancelled through Tuesday, October 4. We anticipate resuming classes on Wednesday, October 5, with in-person instruction.


We know many of you have personally been affected or have loved ones who have been affected by Hurricane Ian, and our hearts go out to each of you. For anybody experiencing hardship, please alert Counseling and medical services will be open regular hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday, starting on October 3. Counseling services are available for both in-person and via Zoom sessions. You can schedule an appointment online here or email

Campus Electronic Charging/Microwave Space

The Roskamp Exhibition Hall will also be available to students in the local area from 8 am-8 pm who need to charge electronic devices and/or to heat up food. 

If circumstances change, we will provide you updates as soon as we are able.

Information for Faculty and Staff

Campus Reopening

We plan to welcome most students back to campus on Sunday, October 2. We will assess the status of power to facilities on Sunday, October 2 and make a decision regarding campus offices reopening at that time. 


Due to power outages in some residences and academic facilities, all classes are cancelled through Tuesday, October 4. Classes are anticipated to resume in-person on Wednesday, October 5. Please work with your Department Head and Academic Affairs if your return to campus will be delayed beyond Wednesday, October 5.

Museum Campus/Englewood Art Center

The Museum Campus is still operating with generator power. Until such time that power can be restored from FPL, the Museum Campus will stay closed to the public. Englewood Art Center is currently closed and an update will be forthcoming.


We know many of you have personally been affected or have loved ones who have been affected by Hurricane Ian, and our hearts go out to each of you. If you are experiencing hardship please alert your supervisor and/or Human Resources (HR). The College has an Employee Assistance Program to provide employees and their family members access to confidential personal support. Resources are available through HR or through the HR portal. 

If you see students experiencing hardship, please alert Counseling and medical services for students will be open regular hours, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday, starting on October 3.  Counseling services are available for both in-person and via Zoom sessions. Students can schedule an appointment online here or email

If circumstances change, we will provide you updates as soon as we are able.


Updated: 9/27/2022, 8:50 am

Q: When should students evacuate campus?

A: Students need to vacate their on-campus residence by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, September 27.  On-campus housing will re-open on Sunday, October 2 at 8:00 am, pending no significant damage or impact to power.

Q: Are students required to vacate Ringling College housing?

A: Yes, all students need to evacuate their on campus housing location. This includes students who are from out-of-state and international students. 

Q: Transportation Concerns: How will students without transportation be able to get to shelters if needed?

A: The College will provide transportation to an area shelter when open for those students that do not have a plan.  If students have an option of another option to evacuate to, it is recommended as the shelter will not be the most comfortable option.

Q: Will transportation be provided for students who are returning home, or reimbursements for travel costs?

A: Students need to arrange their own transportation at their expense. There will not be reimbursement for travel costs, but students can appeal to if they have a financial hardship.

Q: Students Access to Shutters/Storm Protection and Preparedness

A: The College does not provide students with shutters for off-campus housing locations. Students will receive an emergency checklist for preparedness.

Q: Will the Academic Calendar change? 

A: The College is discussing ways to work these five days (as there were no classes this week) into the fall academic calendar. At present, there is no change to the semester, with the last day of the Fall semester as Dec. 10.  Should any change occur, we will notify everyone via a campus announcement and new posting on this page. (*Edited 9/27/22, 9 am)

Storm Preparation for Faculty and Students-Technology Resources

Updated: 9/25/2022, 6:53 pm

As a part of the Ringling College closure in advance of the approaching tropical storm, campus technology resources will be going offline and we will be shutting down the campus data center to protect it.

All academic technology services provided from our campus data center will be unavailable starting at 2:00 pm on Monday, September 26. This includes access to Academic Computer Labs, Apollo, and resources such as your network homespace (Z:\ drive), course shares, and Perforce.

NOTE: Cloud provided resources such as Canvas and Google Services will remain available.

URGENT – Before the storm – by 2 pm on Monday, September 26:

  • Take your personal files with you
  • Your network homespace (often known as your Z:\ drive) is a campus resource that will be going offline during storm preparations. It is critical that you make a copy of your network homespace.
  • 3 locations for backups are recommended.
  • Google drive or other cloud storage providers are recommended options for storing your work.
  • Please do not utilize a single external/usb drive as the only copy of your personal files.
  • Windows users should pay special attention to back up their Z:\Windows directory, as that directory contains files you normally find on your Desktop, Documents and Downloads when logged into campus windows lab workstations.

Final campus preparations:
Our Data Center will also be taken completely offline during our storm preparations. This process takes several hours. At 8:00 am on Tuesday, Sept 27, we will begin to shut down essential services so please plan on all technology services from our data center to be unavailable starting at 8:00 am on Tuesday. Following this shutdown early Tuesday morning, all services provided from within our Data Center will be unavailable – there can be no exceptions. This includes services like Internet Access, Wireless Network, Campus Phones, VPN, Shares, Network Home, and Printing. Most cloud services like Canvas LMS and Gmail Services will remain available.

After the storm:
Institutional Technology will work as quickly as circumstances permit following the storm to restore all IT services throughout campus. Please monitor the campus portal for further announcements regarding when services will be restored.

Campus Closure

Updated: 9/25/2022, 12:34 pm

The Ringling College Emergency Response Team (ERT) continues to closely monitor Tropical Storm Ian which was upgraded to a tropical storm on Saturday, September 23. 

Ian is expected to become a major hurricane early Tuesday as it goes into the southeastern Gulf. The entire state of Florida remains at risk, especially the west coast and the panhandle. 

Out of an abundance of caution and due to the uncertain trajectory of the storm at this time, the decision has been made to close the Ringling College campus effective TUESDAY (9/27), by 12:00 noon.


  • All classes (in-person and remote) will be canceled as of Monday, September 26 (tomorrow) and will remain canceled through Friday, September 30. 
  • Please enact your Hurricane Evacuation Plan and vacate campus housing by Tuesday at 12:00 noon.
  • Please fill out this form with your evacuation information.
  • For Food Service on Monday, September 26, Hammond Commons will be the only venue open. Dinner will be adjusted to 5:00-6:30 pm. Hammond Commons will close after breakfast at 10:00 am on Tuesday, September 27.
  • Be sure to pick up any prescriptions from Health Services by Tuesday at 12:00 noon. 
  • Local shelters will open on Tuesday morning.
  • Academic technology resources will be available until 2:00 pm on Monday, September 26. This includes access to Academic Computer Labs, Apollo, and campus resources such as your network homespace, course shares, and Perforce. Cloud resources such as Canvas and Google Services will remain available.
  • Campus housing will re-open at 8:00 am on Sunday, October 2, unless there is significant impact to the campus from the storm.
  • Food service will resume with brunch on Sunday, October 2, unless there is significant impact to the campus from the storm.
  • We plan to resume classes on Monday, October 3, unless there is a significant impact to campus from the storm. 
  • Students will receive further instructions and updates throughout the week. 

Faculty and Staff 

  • Tomorrow, Monday, September 26 will be a normal business day. Please use this time to shutdown and secure your workspaces. Further details will be forthcoming from IT.
  • Academic technology resources will be available until 2:00 pm on Monday, September 26. This includes access to Academic Computer Labs, Apollo and campus resources such as your network homespace, course shares, and Perforce. Cloud resources such as Canvas and Google Services will remain available.
  • Administrative technology resources will be offline starting 8:00 am Tuesday, September 27.

Museum Campus and Englewood Art Center 

Sarasota Art Museum, the Museum Campus, and Englewood Art Center will be closed to the public Monday, September 26 through Wednesday, September 28. Depending on weather conditions, these locations may remain closed until Friday, September 30.

Heavy rainfall and high winds could start to occur as early as Tuesday morning, depending on the course of the storm. Should the weather conditions worsen before that time, the following weather precautions are recommended: 

  • Stay indoors during the peak of the severe weather
  • If you are walking, remain vigilant of falling/flying debris and flooding
  • Make any necessary trips off campus prior to the storm’s arrival
  • When driving, be mindful of ponding water on the roadway and road edges
  • Ensure cell phone and laptops are fully charged
  • Download a weather app such as AccuWeather, Windy, or MyRadar for updates
  • Avoid any downed power lines or broken tree limbs   

We will continue to monitor the situation and the storm’s trajectory. We encourage you to share these updates with concerned families and friends.

Please continue to monitor your emails for updated messaging.

For more information about Tropical Depression Nine, visit the National Hurricane Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website.

Please report any emergencies to Public Safety at 941-359-7500 (ext 7500 from a campus phone) or call 911. 

Campus Closure due to Approaching Storm

Updated: 9/23/2022

The Ringling College Emergency Response Team (ERT) is currently monitoring Tropical Depression Nine.

At 6:00 am this morning, The National Hurricane Center began issuing advisories on Tropical Depression Nine which has formed over the central Caribbean Sea. The system is expected to turn northwest this weekend and intensify as it enters the southeastern Gulf of Mexico early next week. The track and intensity of the storm is still uncertain at this time.

Heavy rainfall and high winds could start to occur as early as Sunday evening, depending on the course of the storm. Should the weather conditions worsen before that time, the following weather precautions are recommended:

  • Stay indoors during the peak of the severe weather
  • If you are walking, remain vigilant of falling/flying debris and flooding
  • Make any necessary trips off campus prior to the storm’s arrival
  • When driving, be mindful of ponding water on the roadway and road edges
  • Ensure cell phone and laptops are fully charged
  • Download a weather app such as AccuWeather, Windy, or MyRadar for updates
  • Avoid any downed power lines or broken tree limbs

We will continue to monitor the situation and if the storm’s trajectory changes in a way that might impact our campus, we will notify members of our College community. We encourage you to share these updates with concerned families and friends.

Please monitor your emails for an updated message on Sunday, September 25 and consider preparations you should make in the event the storm strengthens.

For more information about Tropical Depression Nine, visit the National Hurricane Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website.

Please report any emergencies to Public Safety at 941-359-7500 (ext. 7500 from a campus phone) or call 911.